Become a Member of a Special Community
Fill out this form to let us know if you’re interested in joining!
UPCOMING Ceremony and Classes
Dates: Sunday, April 20
Time: 11am PT service
Location: At the church building and streamed live online in our Zoom FUN Channel
UU History and Tradition, with Antoinette Scully
Dates: Sunday, April 6
Times: 1-2pm PT (after service)
Location: At the church building and streamed live online in our Zoom FUN Channel
Topics: History of Unitarianism, History of Universalism, History of Unitarian Universalism
history of UULA and what it means to be a member, with tyler Smith
Dates: Sunday, April 13
Times: 1-2pm PT (after service)
Location: At the church building and streamed live online in our Zoom FUN Channel
Topics: History of UULA, What does it mean to be a member of UU and UULA?
Lunch provided for both events (around 12:15pm PT after 11am service)
What does it mean to be a member of the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles?
We invite you to be a part of a long, proud history of spiritual nourishment, progressive beliefs, justice seeking, cultural enrichment, and loving community. And as First Church (UULA) has so much to offer, we know that you have so much to offer it. We greatly welcome your membership and passion to help continue to strengthen the tradition of the church.
As a UULA and Unitarian Universalist (UU) member, you…
Become a voting member, which means helping shape the direction of the church, electing a board, participating in committees that make decisions about worship, political advocacy, and other matters.
Get to attend and vote at the semi-annual and annual congregational meetings in June and December respectively
Get special invitations to our writing group, special events, and informative classes.
Get member discounts on room rentals for personal parties, etc.
Get access to board minutes
Have the opportunity to serve on the church board
Have the opportunity to shape the entire Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) by being one of two UULA delegates at the annual UUA General Assembly
Receive the UU World Magazine
Get some fun membership swag at the membership ceremony!
Get to sign the cherished Membership Book that contains the signatures of inducted members that have come before
And ultimately, be a part of a rich and proud legacy of justice, spirituality, progressive values, and community
And so much more!
What do I do if I’m interested in becoming a member?
First of all, we hope you’ve been able to join us for our hybrid Sunday services or at our other community gatherings. All are welcome!
In addition, please feel free to read about what we believe in
Please attend our bi-annual UU and UULA intro courses leading up to the membership ceremonies (see upcoming schedule to the right)
After you become familiar with the UU and UULA tradition and community, and you’re interested in becoming a member, let us know! Fill out the membership interest form (also the button to the left)
Then, you will need to fill out a simple form (physical or digital). The form requests the following information:
Intent to become a member of the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles
Financial pledge to First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles*
Emergency contact information
Tell us your church interests!
* NOTE: Although we ask for a pledge, we are sensitive to financial constraints and do not want the pledge to be an obstacle to becoming a member. A pledge is an expression of community investment and stewardship, but it can be any amount you are comfortable contributing.
And then we have two special induction ceremonies each year — one in April, one in October